Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Empty Bowl Project

 Bowls for Empty Bowl Project

The first bowl I did was my fabric bowl. It turns out working with fabric and glue is harder than I anticipated. I had trouble getting all of the pieces of fabric to stick to each other. It is not my favorite piece but it turned out better than I expected. This is the bowl I donated for the empty bowl project.

 The clay bowls below were made on the wheel. The wheel is as hard as it looks maybe harder. Centering the bowl on the wheel and trimming them evenly were both parts I really struggled with. Although my biggest struggle was with my own finger nails. My nails made it almost impossible to shape the inside of the bowl. Glazing is something else I seem to have problems with. Almost every bowl I make chips in the glaze kiln!! Overall I am very very happy with my bowls and I love the glazes I chose.

The last bowl I did was also made of clay but I didn't use the wheel. For this one I rolled out a sheet of clay, placed it over a plastic bowl and cut off the excess. This bowl also turned out pretty good although it too chipped both times through the glaze kiln and I ended up having to go over the chipped spots with acrylic paint.

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